Bauberger, Nicole

Nicole Bauberger is an artist of settler ancestry who has made her home in the traditional territory of the Kwanlin Dun First Nation and the Ta’an Kwach’an Council since 2003.

Bauberger’s shows have toured across Canada since 1999. Her work appeared in four public gallery exhibitions in Ontario in 2019. She embraced the changed showing conditions of the pandemic, creating the Dalton Trail Trail Gallery behind her house. During and since the lockdowns she presented her RavenMonsterDress visions both in galleries and outdoors. She looks forward to continuing this work at the (s)hiver festival in Dawson City in January 2024, creating an installation around a bonfire on the frozen Yukon River in conjunction with a community Monster Parade. These parades are spreading, with versions of them planned in Stoney Creek, Ontario, Montreal, Quebec, and Indonesia over the next year.

Her art practice varies. Finely honed skill in oil painting, begun over a 5-year apprenticeship in the 90’s, roots her artwork. And yet, she will use encaustic, acrylic, cardboard, clay, teabags, doilies and crochet yarn, research and writing, or songs on the ukulele, as required.